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Job Application

Ready to jump-start your career with Splash Bounce? Our Job Application page is the first step towards becoming part of a team that’s all about fun, quality, and excellent customer service. Here, you can apply for a variety of positions including Warehouse Worker, Delivery Driver, Driver Helper, and Sales Coordinator. Whether you’re handling our top-tier inflatables, delivering joy to events, or coordinating our sales efforts, there’s a place for you at Splash Bounce. Fill out the application form and let’s embark on this exciting journey together. At Splash Bounce, we believe that the heart of every memorable event begins with the people behind the scenes. Join us and let’s create unforgettable experiences together!

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If you are taking measurements for a structure such as a building or fence, please provide the height of the structure here. If height does not apply to the wash, for instance for a gutter wash, leave this field empty. Please note if you enter a value here after taking measurements, you will need to take measurements again.